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How To Structure Your Coffee Chats To Maximize Your Chances Of Getting A Referral

Recruiting Insight of The Week:

How To Structure Your Coffee Chats To Maximize Your Chances Of Getting A Referral:

  • Focus on offering value. Instead of just asking for a referral, showcase how you can be a resource for them. Ask insightful questions about their work and offer relevant connections or advice.

  • Research and tailor your approach. Before the coffee chat, research their company and current projects. Also, if you are coffee chatting with someone from the same school, try connecting on similar experiences from the school. This allows you to connect your skills and experience to their specific needs, making a referral a natural next step.

  • Leave a lasting impression and ask strategically. Summarize key takeaways from the conversation and express your appreciation for their time. Then, if relevant, ask for a referral to a specific opening or for them to connect you with someone in their network or ask if they can connect you with hiring managers.

  • Remember that coffee chats should go both ways. You should ask questions to know more about the role and company culture to see if it’s the right fit for you and the person should see that you’re a good and well prepared candidate for the job.  

  • Lastly, be aware of their time. Keep it concise and focused. Coffee chats are for information exchange, not full job interviews. Aim for 30 minutes, be mindful of the clock, and ensure your questions are well-prepared and lead to a natural conclusion.

Here are the questions I asked during my coffee chats that led me to get 20+ referrals for both jobs and internships:

- Start off with thank you for taking the time out to meet with me… 
- Introduce yourself (School, Major, briefly share interest in company and role)
- What initially sparked your interest in healthcare consulting, and how did you end up at Company X?
- What made you choose Company X and how would you describe your experience here? 
- Can you share a particularly memorable project you've worked on recently? What were the key challenges and insights gained?
- What does your day-to-day life look like as a consultant at Company X?
- How did you prepare for the consulting case interviews? Any specific websites / books that you would recommend?
- Can you provide any insights or advice on how I can make the most of Weill Cornell Medicine while pursuing a career in consulting?
- Lastly, I’ve applied for [Insert Role], would you be able to refer me? Your help is greatly appreciated! 

Career opportunities in the healthcare / technology industry:

AI in Healthcare News:

Thank you for reading! Feel free to connect with me on Linkedin and schedule a FREE 1:1 meeting where I can give advice on your resume, cover letter, job applications, interview tips and anything else you may want to ask!

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